Jimmys Travel Report

Virgin America Short Haul Domestic Coach – San Francisco to Los Angeles

After leaving the lounge it’s a short walk to gate 51A. It was about 10 minutes prior to boarding and the thing that struck me was how civilized the boarding process was. I don’t know if it was a function of VX, or the time, or the airport we were flying out of but everyone stayed seated and waited for their turn to board. First Class was called initially, and then Elevate Gold and Silver. I had the jetway almost to myself as I boarded the Airbus 320.

Introduction: Virgin America Elevate Gold Status Match
Review: Hyatt Regency San Francisco International Airport
Review: American Airlines Admirals Club SFO – Terminal 2
Review: Virgin America Short Haul Domestic Coach – San Francisco to Los Angeles
Review: Virgin America Loft at LAX
Review: Virgin America Short Haul Domestic First Class – Los Angeles to San Francisco


Gate 51A

Jetway on

View through the wired window

Virgin America 924
San Francisco (SFO) – Los Angles (LAX)
Saturday, July 9th 2016
Departure Time: 11:55AM
Arrival Time: 1:15PM
Flight Time: 1hr20min
Aircraft: Airbus A320
Seat: 3A, Main Cabin Select

I was excited as I boarded the Virgin America A320. I’ve wanted to fly this airline for years and hadn’t taken the time and effort to do so.

It’s very dark as you enter a Virgin America aircraft before the flight; the staff closes all the shades and illuminates the purple LED lights for the boarding process. It feels like you’re walking into a night club. First class was mostly empty as I proceeded to seat 3A. This location is labeled as a “Main Cabin Select” seat, which is an economy seat with extra legroom and services. There are 12 Main Cabin Select seats on a Virgin American Airbus, all six seats on row 3 (the forward economy bulkhead seats) and all six seats on row 10 (the exit row). Seat pitch is 38″ (six more inches than standard economy) and there is no charge for food and drinks. It’s an interesting concept for upsell, and the airline frequently demands a sizeable premium for this class of service.

It was surprising that there were not many persons ahead of me already on the plane, and I was able to take some good photographs of first class, main cabin select, and standard economy seating (main cabin). Afterward I settled into my seat, 3A.

First class cabin

Mood-lit Airbus 320

Main Cabin Select row 3

Seat 3A

View back across

Leg room at 3A

Main cabin (standard economy)

Main Cabin further back

While in 3A, I noticed a couple things I hadn’t seen traveling on an smaller narrow body airplanes before. The at seat table for row 3 is an interesting configuration that directly projects out in a horizontal fashion as opposed to a fold down or arm mounted configuration. It’s also large. There’s also a semi-clear purple tinted plexiglass barrier between row 3, and first class portion of the cabin. It’s a nice detail.

Not long after we had sat down, the flight attendant working our flight came over to address our row 3A, 3B and 3C. He told us we would need to get up and move to row 10D, 10E and 10F. The 3 of us looked at each other and somewhat confused looked at the flight attendant again. He indicated that it was a safety issue with the flight and we would need to move. Slowly the 3 of us collected our items and then followed the FA down to row 10. I overheard the flight attended speaking with 3C and stating that there was a language problem with the 3 persons who had been assigned row 10, which is also an exit row. I was a little disappointed in that I wanted to review row 3, but for an hour flight I thought the move was fine. I’ve also included a picture of row 3 tables from Virgin America.

Purple tinted plexiglass window between first and row 3

Row 3 video and recessed tables

Row 3 pull out tables (Virgin America)

Red at seat entertainment system on Virgin America (seat 3A)

View from 3A just before move

After our move to row 10, the crew played the pre-fight video and prepared for the fight. The seats in row 10 are different from row 3, but they are very comfortable and include a full 38″ of pitch. Door close was 5 minutes early at 11:50am, and then 20 minutes of slow progress on the runway for takeoff. Finally, VX 924 was cleared for departure and we lifted off at 12:20 noon.

Funky pre-flight video

Our flight today

Leg room in 10F

Rolling out of SFO

Lifting up out of the Bay Area

I’ve read about Virgin America’s online food ordering on the RED entertainment system. Also, Cabin Main Select includes unlimited ordering of food and drinks from your seat, so I was keen to try the system out. For a beverage, I selected Prosecco with a bottle of water and for something to eat I selected the Protein Box followed by chocolate chip cookies, for later ;). At first I placed the order about 5 minutes after takeoff, and the system indicated that service wasn’t yet available. A few minutes later after the seatbelt sign was turned off the system allowed food ordering. The drinks came out first, with the food a few minutes later.

The system waits until the crew can deliver an order

Choosing the Bottega Gold Prosecco

Protein Box

Finishing up the ordering process

Table at 10F

The prosecco was delivered first

 Protein box and cookies

Looking at the different entertainment options on RED, the system includes a fair amount of content and choices. Selections included newly released movies, foreign and independent films, TV both recorded and live feeds, special content, navigation, games and music. No bad for a domestic short haul flight. I realize I’m late to the party in regards to Virgin America, but the entertainment system must have been cutting edge in 2007 when Virgin America starting flying. Even by today’s standards it’s still a competitive system.

RED menu option

On demand movies

My poor picture of the pull out embedded remote

Headphones included with Main Cabin Select

Moving map

Virgin America’s main US routes use GOGO WiFi for which I have an unlimited pass. The system worked well and was responsive on this flight. Shortly later we started our decent into Los Angles. The rest of the flight went without issue, and soon we were at LAX.

Coming into smoggy Los Angeles

Getting closer

Rolling in next to Saudi Airlines

Shuffle off the plane

Arrivals at terminal 3

In Summary:

My first Virgin America flight was very enjoyable. It helped that I was seated in 38” pitch Main Cabin Select seat with complimentary food and drinks. I was impressed with the integrated entertainment system RED, and I enjoy Virgin America’s modern and hip style. I think Main Cabin Select is a perfectly fine way to travel on a local flight up to three hours or so in duration; any longer and I would want to be in first class. With this and the next trip I would attaining Elevate Gold through 2017, and plan on enjoying the Virgin America product while it still exists.