Jimmys Travel Report

New York Interlude

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Spending New Year’s Eve and Day with a close friend in New York was a real treat. Shortly after arriving in the city Scott showed up at my hotel – he had wanted to check out the Park Hyatt. We made our way to the hotel bar and spent our $50 credit rather quickly. Having a proper warmer we made our way onto the streets.

New York for New Year’s – An unexpected invitation
Getting There: Delta it is
Review: Delta Regional First Class – Sacramento to Los Angeles
Review: Delta Transcontinental Business Class – Los Angeles to New York
Review: Park Hyatt New York, New Year’s Eve
Interlude: New York
Review: LGA Centurion Lounge
Review: Delta Domestic First Class – New York to Minneapolis
Review: Delta Domestic First Class – Minneapolis to Sacramento


We had a big event to attend the following day so we weren’t doing anything wild for New Years, but it was really fun to be out walking around and watching the revelers prepare for the night. We walked around the Upper East Side checking out some of Scott’s local spots. Most were closed for private parties and we didn’t have reservation anywhere. We finally settled on Gina Mexicana. Who would think I would go to New York for Mexican, but the food and atmosphere were great.


Police line setting up for events later that night


Holiday decorations in NY

Much to my surprise the restaurant was quiet with only a couple other small groups present. After a good meal and some margaritas, we headed over to Scott’s to say high to his family and a couple friends. It was about 10pm. Shortly after midnight I walked back to the Hyatt and called it a night.

The following morning we prepared for the club party. Dress requirements were a jacket and tie, and this event was specifically for men to attend. I haven’t been involved in an all men’s event since my college days at the fraternity, so I was more than curious how this was going to go down. I would include pictures of the event, but photography and cell phone usage in the club is strictly prohibited.

Upon arriving at the clubhouse everyone gathers to socialize in a small parlor where eggnog and punch (as well as other drinks) are served. The eggnog tasted like hot rum with a small amount of cream and spice added. It was perfect. Everyone really enjoyed catching up with each other, and also talked about the impending banquet. They mostly talked about the banquet and the food. I mean really, it was something to witness. Frequently little quips like “Hey I can hardly wait for lunch”, “Me too”, “I’m loading up on oysters!”  was the talk of the pre-lunch gathering. I would soon see why.

After an hour or so we made our way into the dining areas. This club is huge, and there were over 3 large rooms set up with multiple dining tables. I would guess as many as 300 men were ready to eat.  The food spread was something to see. Tables filled with fresh oysters, shrimp, sushi, lobsters, turkey, roast beef, short rib, suckling pig, duck, many sides and multiple deserts packed the room. Food quality was excellent. Each table had multiple bottles of wine flowing. Talking to the different guests they had come especially for this event from all over the world. Many were from the east side of the U.S., but other members had also flown in from Europe. It was a blast.

After this fantastic meal, there were multiple events going on. Billiards, cards, board games, the smoking room and a bar room just to name a few. Everyone was relaxed and enjoying themselves. No agenda was at hand, except the agenda of celebration. It really was a lot of fun.

About 5pm we made our way out of the club and started walking around the city. The weather on this visit was unusually warm (in the 60s) and we hit some local spots on our way home. We ate a light supper at the Meatball Shop which was tasty. Since the 1st fell on a Friday night and the weather was so mild, the outdoor activity level was very high. About 9pm we called it a day, and headed back to Scott’s. On entering Scott’s apartment his wife Michelle looked us over and proclaimed; “I think you guys are drunk.” Crap! It was a record fast call; and I thought we really were behaving. Scott did some fast talking while I retreated to the den. A few minutes later he came in, relatively unscathed. We watched the end of the Ole’ Miss game. Perfect day.


Typical bar on January 1st

On January 2nd we both woke up feeling pretty good, and that was a major win in and of itself. After a lazy morning we took the subway to Brooklyn and headed over to “The Smoke Joint”.

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The Smoke Joint


The Smoke Joint Menu

The Smoke Joint is a BBQ restaurant in Brooklyn and having seen a review by Guy Fieri we wanted to try it out. The specialty is the Smoke Joint short rib, and there is nothing short about it. Add a side of “Smoky Greens” and you have the perfect recovery meal.

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BEEF SHORT RIBS a smoke joint original

We took our time walking home over the Brooklyn Bridge and enjoying the great weather.

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Mild New York winter day on the Brooklyn Bridge

Once home we settled in to the various bowl games that were on, including the amazing comeback and defeat of TCU over the Ducks. Triple overtime – enough said.

In Summary

This short stay with my friend was delightful and well worth the cost of admission. I only hope to get another invite next year.