Jimmys Travel Report

Delta Domestic First Class – Boston to Sacramento

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After finishing up some work at the Sky Club in Terminal A I walked down to gate A3 and prepared to board my flight. On the dot at 3:50pm the gate agent began the boarding process and, when first class was called, I walked down the ramp through the jetway and into the first and only door being boarded. The flight attendant Donnie was friendly as she greeted the passengers. I also saw Katlin from my first Sacramento flight on Thursday and she was working this flight as well.

Introduction: Business in Boston
Review: Delta Domestic First Class – Sacramento To Boston
Review: Delta Sky Club – Salt Lake City
Review: Hyatt Regency Boston Harbor
Review: Hyatt Regency Boston
Thoughts On Boston
Review: Delta Sky Club – Boston
Review: Delta Sky Club – Minneapolis
Drive By: The Escape Lounge – Minneapolis
Review: Delta Domestic First Class –  Boston to Sacramento

ramp 1

Ramp down to jetway


gate mate a4Next to us on the right at A4

Delta 2391
Boston (BOS) – Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP)
Sunday March 13th, 2016
Departure Time: 4:29pm
Arrival Time: 6:14m
Flight Time: 2hr45min
Aircraft: Airbus A320
Seat: 02D, Domestic First Class


our flightOur flight today

After the first class cabin was seated Donnie took pre departure drink orders and hung coats. She was efficient at managing the first class cabin and getting things done. This first class cabin was in a 3 rows – 2×2 seating variety. Someone had a brought a whimpering dog on board – and that person ended up being in seat 2B. The dog’s owner did her best at doting on, and trying to calm the traveling canine. Sometimes to little avail.

The passengers filed in quickly and door close and push back came early at 4:20pm. We spent a little time on the tarmac waiting for clearance. Finally, about 15minutes before 5:00pm, the flight was cleared and Delta 2391 rose out of Boston. As the plane ascended the views of the surrounding Boston and east coast area were beautiful.

cabin 1Getting settled in the A320 cabin

knee roomKnee room with Delta first class issue pillow, blanket and Dasani water

PDB Club SodaPDB – club soda

side viewSide shot showing old style think delta first class recliners

spirtSpirit coming in for landing while we wait

coast 1Surrounding Boston area on assent

Around 12 minutes after takeoff the seatbelt signs were turned off and the crew began to work the cabin. Donnie had taken the meal orders before departure in reverse order. The choice she had offered was a Japanese chicken cob salad or a shrimp dish with soup. I requested the shrimp. The evenings light dinner service started with a drink order, hot towel, tablecloth preparation, and the service of the hot dinner – in that order. To reiterate, Donnie did a professional job. The meal was enjoyable and Delta consistently offers good tasting food.

During the assent, the meal service, and most of the flight our whimpering friend in 2B would let out a yelp or 2. It was usually followed by some giggles in the cabin, and the efforts of owner trying to still her friend.

hot towlHot towel service

table clothAlways appreciate a table cloth before meal service

boston dinnerShrimp and soup, with a little chardonnay

beautiful afternoonGreat back drop during dinner

After the meal service, and my glass of chardonnay, I answered some emails and drifted in and out of some light sleep. My eyes got heavy and my mind drifted in the clouds; and a little whimpering dog would play hid and seek with my twilight consciousness.  About an hour later the captain announce our initial descent and we prepared for landing. We came into MSP smoothly with no issues. I exited the aircraft and proceeded to the Delta Sky Club at Minneapolis – St. Paul.

Delta 915
Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) – Sacramento (SMF)
Sunday March 13th, 2016
Departure Time: 8:05pm
Arrival Time: 10:04pm
Flight Time: 3hr59min
Aircraft: Airbus A319
Seat: 02A, Domestic First Class


our flightOur flight tonight

After my Drive by Visit to the Escape Lounge, I hurried down the F concourse to gate F9 for flight boarding. When I’m reviewing a flight, I try to be one of the first persons to board the aircraft in order to take decent pictures. Considering Delta’s struggle with their domestic boarding process, the boarding in Boston was positive. As I puffed into the gate F9 area, ZONE 1 was in the process of boarding. The boarding process for this flight was relatively smooth as well.

I tagged onto the end of the line (ZONE 1), and then walked down the jetway and into the first and only door being boarded on the Delta A319. All of Delta’s A319s first class cabins are in the 3 row – 2×2 format. Some A319s have been modernized, and those include power and inflight entertainment screens. I find those A319s pretty rare, but it may also be the routes I fly. This A319 was of the older style, including no power at the seat.

As I entered the plane Brian, the first class flight attendant, greeted everyone and was very friendly. I was one of the last persons to be seated in the forward cabin and as I approached seat 2A for some reason the women in 2B looked familiar. Then I heard the dog yelps from my earlier flight. Wow, what are the odds – and this time they were my seatmates!  Coats were taken and pre-departure beverages were served. The standard Delta first class issue items waiting for me included a blanket, pillow and Dasani. My seatmate catered to her canine companion, trying to quiet the upset animal.


f9 husselGetting down to F9

GateGate F9 was relatively calm

jetway rDown the jetway

cabinForward cabin

F7 MateNext to us at gate F7

knee roomKnee room at 2A

Door close, pushback and takeoff went without delays and we ascended out of the Minneapolis – St. Paul area a few minutes early. The seatbelt sign came off a short time later, and the crew began working the cabins. Service included a drink order, hot towel service and a later evening snack sandwich. Tonight’s choice was a hot turkey sandwich or, well … there was no other choice, so I ordered the sandwich with chardonnay wine as an accompaniment. Both were good and again, I was grateful to enjoy a meal at 38,000 ft.  My seatmate didn’t have dinner and I think the reasoning was she wanted to be free in order to bend down to the carry on pet container and sooth her anxious canine friend.

Hot towelDelta’s pre-dinner hot towel service

dinnerEven on a later evening flight domestic meal service – and it was pretty good

After dinner I put on my headphones and listened to music as I watched the western half of the U.S. pass under the cover of darkness. Even at my age it doesn’t get old. Whether I’m flying in a forward cabin, or in coach, I still enjoy the window seat and the amazing views from above.

My seat mate was not as fortunate. Her canine companion just got more upset as the flight progressed. Passengers and even crew were stopping by to offer support during this midair crisis. At some point it was determined by someone that her friend should emerge from the confines of her carry on. Well, seat 2B became a very popular stop at that point. Numerous individuals came over to pet and offer support for brown eyes. It was quite the show. The determination was that brown eyes was thirsty and needed some water.

seat mate

Just when I didn’t think it could be any more fun, we began our initial descent into the Sacramento area. Brown eyes was put back into storage and everyone got ready for landing, which went without a hitch. All in all, a flawless Delta flight.

In Summary:

Delta 2391 and 915 were both very typical Delta narrow body first class flights. The good: Consistent soft product quality including great service, good food and the typical amenities; pillow, blanket and Dasani.  On the “needs improvement” side I will look forward when the majority of cabins are updated with modern seats, IFE, and power. Going forward when I fly to the east coast I will take LAX/SFO – JFK  in order to get the transcontinental business seats. For the record, no matter the aircraft I’m grateful to sit up front.